Workshop on Federalism and Peace

  • Topics:

    CDES gets thumbs-up for federalism and peace confab in Ayeyarwaddy

  • Location:

    Bago Region

  • Activity Start Date:

    12-10-2016 09:00 AM

  • Activity End Date:

    14-10-2016 05:00 PM


Only me is not enough. Only you is not enough. Come, all of us, hold hands together and walk hand in hand. There we find Peace Live and Enjoy it.

"How to find solutions to the conflicts we are experiencing is our crucial role as civil society and political parties, thus the need to have workshops like this on federalism and peace for us to learn, unite and combine all our efforts so we could achieve peace and development." Thus, recites U Khin Zaw, Board Member of the Ayeyarwaddy Social Development Organization in his Welcome Remarks during the opening program of the three days’ workshop on Federalism and Peace spearheaded by the Center for Development and Ethnic Studies for the said region, today at the Pathein Hotel.

           The unwavering commitment and unrelated promotion of national reconciliation and peace throughout the country by conducting seminar workshops and peace fora strategically to the seven ethnic states and seven regions have brought CDES to the Ayeyarwaddy region for the federalism and peace workshop on October 12 -14, attended by 49 participants, 16 females and 33 males across all ages, coming from various civil groups and political parties.

          "We are grateful to CDES for taking the lead to this kind of workshop which educate and enlighten the civil society and other NGOs' which is the co-organizer in this region for during the military regime we never had the chance to discuss freely all about federalism and democracy. Truly strong civil societies and NGOs' supportive and committed to peace are really pillars of this country, especially these times of democratization or transition of our country" discoursed further by U Myint Sein (Retired Professor and head of geography department, University of Pathein) in his opening remarks. 

          Moreover, the participants strongly and openly expressed their appreciation and great expectations on the agenda set for the succeeding days which include NCA, Peace Process, Federalism, Gender Equality and the 30 percent meaningful participation of Women, not only in the Peace Process but also in the on-going reforms of the country.
          From this federalism and peace workshop, "We need not always to be asking our shared power or rules only instead we should be asking what can we share in the process of achieving reconciliation then development of country," one participant further stressed in his share of expectations.